Dear Luminous Leader,
There is a joy and calmness that comes from simplifying your life. I’m not talking about living a minimalist life where you get rid of everything you own. What I’m talking about is finding balance and freedom by doing less, committing less, having fewer distractions, and having less, IF that’s your choice.
Simplifying can be anything from decluttering your home to changing your mindset.
Here is a prioritized list of the most important things to simplify for less stress.
1. Change your mindset to one of positivity.
This is one of the most powerful ways to bring joy and focus into your life. If you want to simplify your life, you must believe that living a simpler life does have value.
2. Time commitments.
Let go of time commitments you don’t love, aren’t in line with your values, or that don’t benefit you.
3. Your environment.
Declutter and get rid of things that don’t bring you joy. Having too many material items complicates your life in many ways. They drain your bank account, distract you, create stress in relationships, and drain your energy. Give them away, sell them, or toss them out.
4. Debt.
Debt is one of the biggest stressors. It can hold you captive, keeping you stuck, emotionally and physically. Get out from under the heavy weight of debt. Avoid buying luxury items until you pay off your debt.
5. Multi-tasking.
Multi-tasking can increase your stress, lower your productivity, and take the joy out of everything. Learn to single-task by focusing on one project or task at a time. Take joy in completing it. When you’re done, start the next task.
Until next time,