Dear Luminous Leader,
You have heard several conversations about using your dreams and passions to discover your purpose.
But what happens when you think it’s too late to follow your purpose?
Many people still dream of creating a life of purpose but think they can’t for some reason. They believe it’s too late, they are too old for that specific dream or they don’t have the skills to reach for the career that they dream of.
But the truth is it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
Here are 7 reasons why you should believe you can.
1. Your identity is not set in stone.
Many of the things you believe quite possibly came from others’ opinions that have been projected onto you.
2. Some dreams simply seem too big to achieve.
If that is the reason you think it’s too late, try breaking the dream down into small steps or stages.
3. There are many people of all ages going after their dream.
Many have faced decades of disappointment and unfulfilled lives. They discovered later in life that they do indeed have the resilience, experience, and self-knowledge to pursue their purpose.
4. As you get older, you don’t want to be filled with regret because you didn’t try to do the things you loved or attempt to obtain what you longed to do in life.
5. Following your dreams influences the mark you leave on the world and how you will be remembered.
6. Any step you take towards your dream gets you closer to success.
Many believe it’s too late to follow their dreams because they would be taking a step backwards. In reality these steps take you to a brand-new life you desire.
7. Others will be there to help and encourage you on your journey.
Some family members will support you as you become the best version of yourself, others will be long-time friends and you will find new friends along the way.
The ultimate concept you need to remember is that you are never too old to work towards your goals.
It is time for you to be happier as you go through life learning and growing as you live your life to its fullest.
Until next time,